Saturday, July 03, 2010

its just me today
im not expecting anyone
the bell's not ringing
in my house or in my head
the music's playing
and its just me today

Im not expecting anyone
and no ones expecting me
I'll play host to the rain
have her over for a drink
lazy afternoon just the rain and me

Curl up under the razaii
while she potters and whistles
knocking on my windows
little refracted rain drops
dropping in to say hello

Hello rain!
Today its just you and me.


Goldbug said...

you're your own follower? seriously?!
ok. follow this.. where's a new post?!

Unknown said...


Ya! what can I say it was a mistake and now im not sure how to undo it.

new post, new post, SIGH

Leewhys said...

Hey! Beautiful poem! Loved it! I'd written a similar poem once about being indoors while it rained outside... :)

fourreason said...

nice, like this one.