Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A biblical question

Adam of the fame of Eve and paradise must have been white to have been tempted by an apple. I mean if you must be seduced by a fruit shouldn't it be the mango? Ripe with juice flowing down your chin when you bite into it. The sour tickling the tip and the sweet flooding the countours of your tongue. I would settle even for a watermelon but men with watermelons in their throats would be difficult to digest. So mangoes it must be then, the ones where you tear of the top with your teeth and squeeze the flesh into your open, delirious with anticipation mouth. Paradise should have been tropical and Adam, chocolate with long hair.


kantankerous said...

I think the church would find the mango a little too literal for their tastes (pun intended), especially considering Eve gave Adam the fruit in question. Although I'm still not quite sure how the watermelon-loaded Eve image got past their heads. I guess they knew it would cause too much distraction to the little boys.
Very nice blog on them pants, too.
No offence intended to all the religious types, btw. I came here off the Pink Chaddi campaign blog clicking somewhat at random.

Unknown said...

I do feel strongly about the pants its true, its true.
and the pink Chaddi campaign is too much. I was also being random when i chanced upon it. ahh the pleasures of randomness

kantankerous said...

Yup, randomness is a big bonus, although I think that pink chaddis were pre-ordained (at least for some of them misogynist closet - searching for a non-abusive term here - closetees).
Btw, the campaign made the beeb news!

Unknown said...

Hey Puddle sound, why wont your blog open up its secrets to me?

I tried and tried but alas. magar afsos,

(now take off glasses solemley shake and then tilt head and say "aapko cancer of the vaidikunal haii, im sorry aap ke pass kuch hee din hain")

kantankerous said...
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kantankerous said...

I didn't write any (secrets I mean). Afsos lekin aapka cancer theory mein kuch haii nahin. Thoda aur research bhi kijiye. Kuch milega nahin. That is not an indication that I can remotely speak the language, either. I just learnt the words. No, really. Big writer's block. I buried a couple of other blogs decently in the middle of the night too (they were already dead).

Sorry I can't comment on your new blog post, don't really know the city (was only there once as a kid).

Unknown said...


Does this mean that language has barred hindi movie humour for you?

Gasp and crumble. Whats the point?

Blocked writer sir (surely there may be some antiquated pieces that one can get ones hands on.

Delhi is a lovely city, maybe good for writers block. hhhhhhmmmmmm......

kantankerous said...

Well, some does escape the net, to be honest. Movie dialogues from Anand (sacchi, BabuMoshai?), for example, don't really strike me as humour (actually, I quite liked the movie).
Haven't you found digging up the past gets rather tiresome? Let's leave it at that, please. Plus, there's a point?
Yeah, I kind of liked Delhi from what I remember(yes I like cold weather), but people who live there assure me it's extremely farcical. What do I do?

Unknown said...

I like this one. Clever.

kantankerous said...

Yeah, she is, isn't she? I was impressed too.

kantankerous said...

it is, isn't it*. She's written it well was what I meant to say.