Tuesday, May 16, 2006

deep blue something-jet black nothing, deep blue something-jet black nothing, blue-black, blue black, blue-blue-blue-blue, pant, i was out of breath.

I had been wondering and continued wondering in the pool. It was a night of dark, hot sticky summerness. clingy heat.

I hadnt wondered for a while any wonder then that all of wondering came upon me all at once washing over me like sleep. I wasnt sleepy though it was just such a good line. stolen but a good line anyway. No I wasnt sleepy i was overwhelmed. Overwhelmed that all of this wondering had come upon me in this inky, blue sticky blackness.

The weather i think has a lot to do with nostalgia. What nature of nostalgia then had this sticky night inspired? I was unsure and more than a little flumuxed. My mind seemed to be turning cartwheels in no particular direction. there seemed a sense of purpose to the inky blackness. I knew i was supposed to be wondering because a strange sense of almost unreal not-rightness was tying my stomach in little knots. knot knot knot knot went the unreal not-rightness.

I stopped perhaps i had water up my nose. it was dark. "no time to swim" said the unreal not- rightness with the water lapping in my ears. lap lap lap knot lap. Perhaps the unreal-not-rightness would leave me to my solitary swim if i only went where it was quiet. no lap lap of the water no sounds of silent black night just the crushing press of water. I swam underwater, chest skimming the white-blue tiles, arms powering through the blue-blue somethingness. i found a tooth. Pant i was out of breath.

There was a tooth in the pool. Half a human tooth. I'm quite sure it was infact half an old bleached human tooth chipped at an angle, the owner must have cut his lip, the gum perhaps. There must have been blood.

I cautiously, self consciously ran my tongue on my teeth, my lips, my gums. There in the inky blackness with the unreal-not rightness positively swirling around now i tasted the viscous mettalicness of my blood. blood a trickle, blood a stream. blood and tears a flood.

this was not a new wound, this was old uncried pain. the heaviness of hot sticky nostalgia had dripped saline liquid on wounds as yet wounded. In that one second of searing, bloody pain knew that i missed you still.


Anonymous said...

Oh baby so sad that was. Oh!!! there were going to be tears if I hadn't been reading it at the Cellar

Anonymous said...

Ok... I sat and read your entire blog (finally) - since the other option was to study for the NET. 'Twas delightful - really! Lovely exchange on the Y-front (pun intended). When're you writing a piece about you and me?

Anonymous said...

I Perish and lament

Anonymous said...

Please write something new

Anonymous said...

boooooooooo!!!! write some thing new.. we want something new.