Friday, April 14, 2006

From something to nothing
and nothing to nothing
unmeasure me
reach me out to you.

Hands held with spaces between
yards of words
couched in yards of cloth
even my eyes despair their lack of stuttering stammering words

unbutton please this madness
of self-conscious regret
where love is like
and adore affection
where worship is tempered
with ecstasy unecstatic.
let even these cliches be real

I want to know deep green forests of
muddy scents
flowers red in bloom and dead
There is a continent of spice,
I would like to know
somewhere between your hair and head

Let us lament then these questions of time and space.
bridle please this unbridled mind
that has no words to explain

Let me kiss your smiling ears
and wish you good night
for when I wake tomorrow
I believe all this will have changed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i saw intermittent sparks of something special. kudos to the budding artist!