Friday, February 24, 2006

still ooooooffffffffiiinnnggg.......

.........but its getting better and I owe it all to a little wolf snake that made it's way to my garden the other day (i think my mothers deranged gardning fetish might have disturbed her happy home).Dont be shocked by the "her" in the brackets, we managed to save it from the manaical beatings of the mali and hand it safely over to Jose from wildlife SOS who informed me that the snake was infact a her.
Was very pleased to find that Delhi is now well organised to deal with these situations. if you come accross a snake dont kill it throw a blanket or a bori on top of it. The snake will not attempt to leave the safety of the blanket. After that call wildlife SOS (check out their website for numbers in your city) at 9810355075 or 9810114563.
i would recommend visiting their website in anycase if only for the feel good factor.

1 comment:

Yohan said...

Hey not bad. my sister does volunteer work ar an "animal rehab" place in Bangalore. Similar, I'll bet. She's gone on owl-rescues etc.

I like what you said about sentimentality and the weather. Very true. A spot of winter does the trick.